About Us

Our Doctor Store provides the highest quality medical supplies at an affordable price. We understand that our customers provide skilled services and we are honored to be part of the process.

We only stock supplies we trust and provide a one-stop-shop for all health care needs. Whether its gloves, hypodermic needles, or an EPG machine you need – we have it.

We are also proud international partners with MyCore Supplements Ireland and Life Powders Ireland.

Recommended Sources for Quality Peptides in Europe

recommendations for peptides in europe

Peptides are a short chain of amino acids comprising typically of 2-50 amino acids. The simple peptides are dipeptides followed by tripeptides etc. Peptides are naturally present in food. Peptides are found in every tissue and cell in the body and perform a wide range of functions. Maintaining the appropriate activity levels and concentration of peptides is essential to maintain health and achieve homeostasis.

Peptides Ireland

Peptides Ireland is the leading and the most popular provider for buying peptides in Europe. They offer an extensive range of the latest peptides on the market today. Peptides are used for research purposes only however have many benefits according to research studies. Peptides Ireland take pride in their products for their high quality and exceptional prices. All peptides are tested for purity by MS-UPLC and HPLC. The peptides are 98% purity to ensure the highest quality products you can buy. There are combo packages available to suit your research needs. The most competitive research peptides prices on the market for superb and premium quality peptides. Reliable and fast shipping services worldwide. You won’t find better quality peptides anywhere else.


Direct Peptides is the most trusted and leading European based peptides company. Direct peptides offer top quality research peptides at very affordable prices purchase in the online store in small or bulk orders with reliable and convenient shipping options. The focus and aim are to provide high quality products for the prevention and treatment of medical conditions for research purposes only. The product range is extensive some includes BPC-157, HCG, Epithalon, and many more. Peptides have many different benefits some of these include muscle mass and strength building, slow down the aging process, lower high blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and much more.

Peptides UK

Peptides UK is the number one supplier of high-quality research peptides in the UK and Europe. The peptides are manufactured at a cGMP compliant and ISO9001 certified state of the art facility. All peptides are tested for purity by HPLC and MS-UPLC analysis. Peptides UK offers an extensive range of peptides these include GHRP-2, Ipamorelin, Mod GRF, MGF, IGF 1, TB500, BPC 157, and many more. Customer services are the main priority and always ensuring exceptional products at very reasonable prices. Products are shipped worldwide via fast and reliable shipping services.


Peptides EU is setting a new standard in the peptide industry with a truly different peptide shop. The research peptides are European manufactured and 99% purity. The company works directly with the manufacturers to ensure only the best peptides are produced for the customers. The customer service is second to none and they also offer super quick order processing.


Peptide Store is a convenient, safe, and private online store for research peptides in Europe. Peptide store offers a wide range of research peptides online some of these include GHRP-2, HGH 176, CJC, TB500, PT-141, GHRP-6, and much more. The company expresses its values through research work, strategic planning, delivering peptides of high quality at very affordable prices to new and current customers.

Pure Peptides UK

Pure Peptides UK is the market leader when it comes to providing research peptides online in UK and Europe. The company works closely with the manufacturer in ways of delivering premium quality peptides to all customers. The company offers a professional, quality, and reliable service every time. They offer super-fast dispatching on every order and free delivery for all UK orders over 25 pounds. They also ship worldwide via courier and postal services. You won’t find better peptide products anywhere.

Enhanced Peptides

Enhanced Peptides have over 100 research products to choose from all for effective research purposes only. They have a collection of compounds and pure peptides with varying strengths and quantities. Enhanced peptide’s main aim is to provide all customers with a convenient buying experience so you can always count on them to get the product you need and always at the best value. Purchase at 150 on research products and you will receive free delivery. All peptides are 100% genuine and authentic. Some of the products include Ace 031, BPC 157, Follistatin 344, GHRP-2, GHRP-6, HGH Fragment, IGF-1, and many more.

The Best Supplies For GP Doctors

Working as a doctor in the UK is a rewarding job for many people.  They are constantly helping others and they can use their medical expertise in order to assist them in keeping them well.  The doctors are special people that also have a great way of teaching about them.  They like to teach others how to care for themselves in a better way so that they can stay healthy for a longer period of time.  A doctor needs to be prepared and one of the things that they need to have with them are their supplies.

Doctors Need To Have A Bag

In order to carry their medical essentials with them, GP doctors need to have the proper bag.  One of the best kinds of bags to carry is a hard bag.  It can work as a seat when visiting patients too.  Whether a doctor has a hard or soft bag, the price for them will vary.  They should find a bag that is comfortable for them to carry and that also has lots of compartments in it to organise their supplies.  This can make finding things so much easier while they are out and about helping the people.  They always want to be able to find the things that they need in a short time so they must make sure that there is an order to their bag in a clear and concise way.

The Best Supplies For GP Doctors

GP doctors will need to carry essential items in their bags to take with them when they are helping people.  These items should be placed in compartments so that they can be found quickly.  Here is a list of the necessary items that they will need to carry with them:

1.  Stethoscope – Several brands are available.  The Lithman SE and Cardiology IV are also very good ones to have.

2.  Ophthalmoscope/Auroscope Diagnostic Set – One is needed with a pen torch and blue light. The Welch Allyn is a good model.

3.  Pulse Oximeter – Ana Wiz provides a good one.  It should be kept in special compartment in the bag.

4.  Tendon Hammer – For testing reflexes.  A doctor should always have a good one in their bag.

5.  BP Measuring Kit – Testing for blood pressure is always vital.  A good it is recommended.  Welch Allyn offers a great model.

6.  Tongue Depressor – This is important to have.  Have a good one in the bag.

7.  Pregnancy Kit – To be carried to check for pregnancies.  If a woman may be pregnant, the test will want to be given.

8.  Thermometer – The Braun is a very good model.  A no-touch thermometer is a great way to go and it is called the BNT400.

9.  Glucometer – There are various brands to choose from.  All of them are good.

10.  Tape Measure – Any brand is ok to carry.  It should be kept loosely in the bottom of the bag.

11.  Sample Bottles – The sample bottles should be in the bag for urine, stool, and sputum.  They can be any type of brand.

12.  Urine Testing Strips – These must be carried with the doctor.  Any brand will do.

13.  Peak Flow Meter – The doctor should have a peak flow meter.  They will also need to carry the tubes.

14.  Alcohol Wipes – It’s very important to carry alcohol wipes.  Lubricating jelly is also necessary.  They should carry gel for their hands also.

15.  Non-Latex Gloves – The non-latex gloves need to be worn.  This is to prevent any type of contamination from occurring.  A doctor should always carry a large supply of gloves with them.  They never know when they will need more of them.

Important Other Items To Carry

Doctors will have to have the essential items that are listed above.  They may also want to carry other items that can help them with their job.  Here are some important things that they should also carry with them:

1.  Cell Phone – They will want to have a good one.  It is important that they check to make sure that they have enough minutes, etc. on their phone before they leave their home.  They should also carry their charger with them.

2.  First-Aid Kit – This should include all of the basics.  This can be used in emergencies.

3.  Overshoes – The overshoes may need to be used.  Keep a pair in the bag for emergencies.

4.  Stationary – A notebook, paper, envelopes, etc.  This is for notetaking and information.

5.  Raincoat/Umbrella – In case of bad weather, this comes in handy.  This way, the doctor will be dry when they arrive at the scene.

6.  Emergency Food And Drink – A doctor should always carry something to eat and drink with them.  They will want to have something that they can eat quickly to give them the energy that they will need to continue to help other people wherever they go.

Keeping Order In The Bag Is Extremely Important For A Doctor To Do

The bag should have lots of compartments so that a doctor can find the things that they need easily.  Each night, they should make sure that they have everything that they need with them before they even go to bed.  This way, when they are out and about, they know that they have all that they will need in order to assist someone who needs their medical attention at any given time.

Doctors are very important because they can save lives.  They want to always be prepared so that they are able to handle any situation that they come across.  When they have the proper and best supplies in their bag, they know that they are equipped to help the people that are in need.  This will always be the best thing that a doctor can do because they will be needed in all types of situations and they always want to be as prepared as possible.

Info and Equipment for Surgical Rhinoplasty

If you don’t like the size or shape of your nose or you have breathing issues that need surgical correction you will need rhinoplasty. Otherwise known as a nose job, rhinoplasty allows the doctor to surgically change the shape of your nose. A nose job can make it easier to breathe and it can also improve your appearance. Learn more about it and the types of equipment that are used and needed.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the look of your nose and also promotes better breathing. The surgeon can change the cartilage, bone, or skin of your nose to give it a better appearance and make breathing easier. If you are having any kind of breathing issues you need to consider this surgery.

It all starts with a visit to your surgeon. The surgeon will look at the shape of your face and come up with a plan that will make your face look better. The planning phase is very important. The doctor will listen to your needs and do a full medical evaluation. If you are a candidate for surgery the doctor will develop a customized treatment plan that is going to change your nose for the better.

Why Consider Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a great choice if your nose is too big or crooked. If you are not happy with the way your nose looks you definitely want to consider rhinoplasty. You might also need rhinoplasty if you are having breathing issues or have a deviated septum that is making it difficult to breathe.

If your self-esteem is being affected by the way your nose looks you definitely want to consider a nose job. The look of your nose is going to be drastically changed and you are going to look better fast. A nose job can actually change your life and it can make a huge difference in how you look and feel.

What Are The Risks Of Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is major surgery and it does carry risks that you need to be aware of before you start considering having this surgery. One of the big risks is infection. If the site gets infected you need to take antibiotics or you might even need to have an additional surgery to clear up the infection.

You could also have a reaction to the anesthesia and bleeding can happen as well. You might have more problems breathing after the surgery if it doesn’t go well. You might end up with numbness around your nose and it could look uneven.

Some people end up with scarring and pain. The risks are low however and the majority of people don’t experience any complications from this surgery. Your surgeon will go over your medical history and you also will get a comprehensive physical exam. The doctor will go over the entire process with you so you know what to expect. The more prepared you are the easier it will be to recover from your nose job.

What To Expect During The Surgery

During the surgery, you will either get a local or general anesthesia. The surgeon will cut between your nostrils and shape your nose. Cartilage and skin can be removed or added and the septum will be straightened if it is crooked. The doctor will carefully shape your nose so you end up with the right shape for your face. The surgeon will spend a long time working on your nose so it comes out perfectly. The surgeon will need all the essential equipment to complete the procedure.

After the surgery is over you will need to rest. The dressings stay in place for around a week. Swelling is normal so be prepared for swelling and drainage from your nose. You won’t be able to wear eyeglasses for at least a month so be prepared for that. Having the surgery is major and you need to be prepared to take care of your needs.

You have to be very careful with your nose after the surgery. You can’t exercise or do anything strenuous after the surgery and you need to be very careful when you have this surgery. Take your time and make sure that you take care of your nose so you don’t end up with complications and have to come back to have them treated.

Rhinoplasty is a major surgery so make sure that you choose a dentist that has a lot of experience and really knows what they are doing. You don’t want to end up with complications because you didn’t take care of yourself properly.

Will Insurance Pay For Rhinoplasty?

Having a nose job isn’t cheap and you need to be prepared to pay the cost. If the procedure is medically necessary you will usually be covered. Your insurance will often pay for procedures that are medically necessary and you won’t have to pay anything out of pocket. If the nose job is purely for cosmetic purposes you will have to pay for it yourself. Your insurance isn’t going to cover the procedure if it is just for cosmetic purposes so you need to be prepared to pay for everything yourself.

Many surgeons offer payment plans with little to no interest so you can draw out the cost of the plan and pay it off over time. This is a great option if you really want to take care of your nose but it isn’t medically necessary. You will be put on a payment plan that can be a big help when you want to have a nose job.

Why Choose Us?

Here at Our Doctor Store, we pride ourselves in understanding medical supply needs and stocking the correct products to help meet them. We understand how a lack of supplies can mean the difference between life and death, so we monitor our service carefully.

The supplies, drugs, and equipment you use will have a considerable impact on your patient care and the quality of treatment. That is why it is essential not to waste limited resources on buying stock that isn’t up to standard.

You can be certain that you will experience all these factors while dealing with Our Doctor Store:

High-Quality Equipment

This is the most important factor for any doctor and we understand that. First-class equipment means the difference between success and failure for many of the intricate medical or laboratory procedures carried out across the medical field.

That is why you will find we offer recognizable brands and items that you can be certain you can rely on. We also provide warranties that speak for themselves and let you focus on your work.

Product Assurance

Some suppliers appear to be selling a product, but what you receive is off-brand or slightly different. There is nothing more frustrating for you to allocate your budget towards something incorrect, which is why we mean what we say.

You will receive the correct product, that is high-quality, economical, and trustworthy. Our Doctor Store provides the supplies the way it should be done.

Customer Satisfaction

When handling such important supplies, we know how important it is to provide a service that is optimized for customer satisfaction. That is why we provide a wide range of equipment, cater to specific needs, and make sure our customer service is top-quality.

Our products are affordable, and we are honored to be chosen by doctors and clinics alike. You don’t have to take our word for it – check our reviews and let our customers tell you themselves.

Reliable Delivery

We understand how important it is for our products to be in the right place at the right time, which is why we can guarantee delivery the is timely. Our product will arrive within the designated time, providing a service you can rely on.

We only use couriers we can trust, and you will find your delivery is safe, secure, and ready to go. If you need a product sooner than the standard time, feel free to get in contact and we can advise you on your options.

Buy From Our Doctor Store

Whether you are purchasing wound dressings, disinfectant, or surgical tools, we are the place to go. We are the medical supplier who cares, and we provide you with all the required tools it takes.

We sell to GP’s, hospitals, primary care practices, and would love to sell to you too. Not only is our customer service the highest-standard, we also offer advice and information about the products we stock.

Feel free to get in touch regarding the supplies you need, and we can provide you will all relevant information.

Essential Primary Care Supplies

A job without resources is twice as hard, which is why we provide an extensive list of supplies. Not only does it offer you options, but it means Our Doctor Store can be the one-stop-shop for all medical needs.

We pride ourselves on providing high-quality supplies that you can rely on and only stock products we trust. Our customers have crucial work to do and we respect that.

Exam Gloves

These are an important part of any medical professionals’ life and help prevent cross-contamination. They are a key factor in the prevention of spreading infections or illness and will provide a barrier from all bodily fluids.

They will also help avoid reactions from hazardous drugs of handling contaminated items. We stock a range of sizes, sterile/non-sterile, powder and non-powdered, thick, and surgical gloves.

We are also able to offer both latex and non-latex gloves for handling patients with allergies.

Wound Dressings

These crucial supplies are a staple in any health care providers arsenal, which is why we supply a range of items:

Bordered dressing for burns, chronic wounds, and ulcers. They are highly absorbent, with foam padding that is non-stick, providing a moist healing environment.

Absorbent dressings for acute wounds that don’t require regular changing. There are hydrophilic and there is no risk of them getting stuck in a wound.

We also offer medical tape that can be left on the patient for a good length of time without becoming embedded.


We carry a wide range of both needles and syringes in a useful variety of sizes. They are extremely sharp and offer non-coring qualities that will ensure the best patient outcome.

Made from stainless-steel, they are perfect for taking blood, administering injections, or a wide range of purposes. We offer a range from hypodermic to anesthetic, so you will be certain to find what you are looking for.

Diagnostic Equipment

These are as important are the supplies used to treat illness, so we provide a verity. One of our most popular items are temporal head thermometers that are accurate and non-invasive and a preferred option for patients.

We sell pulse oximeters that are simple to read and convenient for getting a patient reading. It is non-invasive and will give you an accurate level of oxygen saturation.

Another popular item is our blood pressure monitors as they are easy to read and very accurate. There are made to fit most patients and provide gentle inflation that won’t cause discomfort.

Sterilizing and Disinfecting Products

No service is complete without the proper sanitary measures. We want you to be safe in the knowledge your medical tools are sterile for the next patient and provide professional cleaning equipment.

From pressure sprayers to cleaning wipes, to special brushes – we can guarantee a good outcome when used correctly.

Infection Risk Management

At times you will have to encounter high-risk infections, and you must remain protected. We offer medical isolation gowns that you can rely on as they are fluid resistant and full-length.

You can be assured that you are giving yourself the best protection when you put on one of our gowns. We also sell a range of face masks to suit your needs.

Whether you need a specialist breathing mask or a surgical one – you can find it here.

Contact Us

At Our Doctor Store, we understand communication is key and would love to hear from you. Can’t see your desired product?

Or looking for advice on the supplies we do have? Get in touch via phone or email and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Our Doctor Store

3884 Bedford Street Hartford, CT 06103, USA
Phone: +1(203)-951-2027
E-Mail: heather@ourdoctorstore.com